Create Task definition

Create Task definition

  1. Access to AWS Elastic Container Service, select Task definitions, then select Create new task definition continuously 2 times.


//translate below to english

  1. In Task definition family, enter FCJ_Task_Definition.


  1. In Infrastructure requirements, do:
  • In Launch type, select AWS Fargate.
  • In Task size, CPU select .5 vCPU, Memory select 2GB.
  • In Task role, select ecsTaskExecutionRole.
  • In Task execution role, select ecsTaskExecutionRole.


  1. Access AWS ECR, go to repo fci_image_repo and copy latest image URI as in the image.


  1. In Containner - 1, do:
  • In Name, enter fcj_container.
  • In Image URI, paste the image URI you copied in step 4.


  1. Confirm that the task definition has been created successfully.
