Push Code to CodeCommit Repository

Download source code

  1. Access this link https://github.com/HUNG-rushb/React-Calculator/releases/tag/v1 and download the source code. This is a simple Calculator App written in React that we will use to deploy.


  1. Download and extract it to the directory you want to work in. Check if the files are complete as shown below.


Push code to CodeCommit repo

  1. Inside that directory:
  • Run git init to create a git repo.
  • Run git remote add origin PASTE_HTTPS_REPO_LINK_HERE, replace PASTE_HTTPS_REPO_LINK_HERE with the HTTPS link you copied in the previous section.
  • Run git add ..
  • Run git commit -m "init" to commit the code locally (not in the image).


  1. Continue:
  • Run git push origin master to push the code to the repo on CodeCommit.
  • Git will ask you for Username and Password, this is the credentials in the codecommit credentials file that we created in the Create HTTPS Git Credentials for CodeCommit section.
  • Open the file credentials, copy username and password into cmd.
  • Enter and confirm that the code has been successfully pushed.


  1. Return to the tab you are opening AWS, move to the CodeCommit service and into your repo, you will see the code has been successfully pushed.


  1. On the left menu, choose Commits and check the most recent commit is yours, in the image is init.
