AWS CodeCommit


CodeCommit is a fully managed source control service that hosts secure Git-based repositories. It makes it easy for teams to collaborate on code in a secure and highly-scalable ecosystem. Select the + symbol next to each benefit to learn more.

With CodeCommit, you can:

  • Benefit from a fully managed service hosted by AWS. CodeCommit provides high service availability and durability and eliminates the administrative overhead of managing your own hardware and software. There is no hardware to provision and scale and no server software to install, configure, and update.
  • Store your code securely. CodeCommit repositories are encrypted at rest as well as in transit.
  • Work collaboratively on code. CodeCommit repositories support pull requests, where users can review and comment on each other’s code changes before merging them to branches; notifications that automatically send emails to users about pull requests and comments; and more. -** Easily scale your version control projects**. CodeCommit repositories can scale up to meet your development needs. The service can handle repositories with large numbers of files or branches, large file sizes, and lengthy revision histories.
  • Store anything, anytime. CodeCommit has no limit on the size of your repositories or on the file types you can store.
  • Integrate with other AWS and third-party services. CodeCommit keeps your repositories close to your other production resources in the AWS Cloud, which helps increase the speed and frequency of your development lifecycle. It is integrated with IAM and can be used with other AWS services and in parallel with other repositories. For more information, see Product and service integrations with AWS CodeCommit.
  • Easily migrate files from other remote repositories. You can migrate to CodeCommit from any Git-based repository.
  • Use the Git tools you already know. CodeCommit supports Git commands as well as its own AWS CLI commands and APIs.
  • Faster development cycle. CodeCommit keeps your repositories close to your build, staging, and production environments in the AWS Cloud. You can transfer incremental changes instead of the entire application. This enables you to increase the speed and frequency of your development lifecycle.


  1. Create CodeCommit Repository
  2. Push Code to Repository