Not Attending AWS hosted event

Not Attending AWS hosted event

If you are attending an AWS hosted event, you can stop reading an continue with next step using the provided accounts.

  1. Download (right-click and Save link as…) CloudFormation template with the base architecture required to create the environment for this workshop.

  2. Using your own test account (please don’t use production accounts) go to the CloudFormation console

  3. Click on create stack, With new resources (standard)


  1. Enter Stack name control-design. Click Next


  1. Use default stack options. Click Next


  1. Review Details


  1. Click the “I acknowledge…” checkbox. Click Create stack


  1. Wait for all resources to complete creation. If any error appears, refer to the Support/Troubleshooting section.


Once you finish this workshop, go to the Support/Cleanup section, to reduce incurred costs.